BBW Sandwich Review

I’ve always had a firm belief that a woman shouldn’t be judged on how fat or skinny they are, they should always be treated with respect. Now trust me you had better treat the girls from BBW Sandwich with respect or else, these girls are larger than life and they have a kinky way of showing it. How do you think you’d go sharing a bbw girl between two fresh cocks, could you become their intimate lover and make them beg for more? I think you could so let me tell you a little about what you can find inside BBW Sandwich. Now of course the girls are plump, you could easily call them chunky girls, but all that aside these girls love sex more than any skinny girl ever could. On BBW Sandwich they feature nothing but BBW girls, there isn’t many videos at the moment, but you can stream and download them, plus each set comes with some high resolution pictures. A little bonus is you get access to another two fat/bbw style sites and they also have some decent videos there. Overall BBW Sandwich is a little small on the content for my liking, so take a look around first.